
The City of Hendersonville’s existing water and sewer infrastructure in the Ashe Street Neighborhood and 4th Ave area is aging and in need of replacement. This area of downtown Hendersonville is ripe with commercial and residential revitalization with existing water and sewer infrastructure...
Project Status: Current Projects

The proposed French Broad River intake and pumping station is an additional, redundant source of water to enhance the resiliency of the water utility and lay the foundation for the future. The intake and pumping station is also designed for future expansion to serve future water demands within...
Project Status: Current Projects
The City of Hendersonville has been in communication with several residents in the lower Laurel Park area who have inquired about connecting their homes to the City’s sewer system. In response to these inquiries, the City plans to hold an informational...
Project Status: Current Projects
The City of Hendersonville has been in communication with several residents in the NC 191 North Residential Area who have inquired about connecting their homes to the City’s sewer system. In response to these inquiries, the City held an informational meeting to gauge the level of interest in a...
Project Status: Current Projects
The Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Improvements project consists of the replacement of aging UV disinfection equipment nearing the end of its useful life at the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). UV disinfection is the final stage of the treatment process where wastewater is disinfected...
Project Status: Current Projects
The proposed Biosolids Thermal Dryer will produce a high-quality, nutrient-rich biosolid product produced from the wastewater treatment process that will be beneficially re-used as a fertilizer or soil amendment. The project will reduce current operational costs for treatment solids...
Project Status: Current Projects
The City's water treatment facility (WTF) was originally constructed in 1963 with several upgrades since that time. The WTF has a current capacity of 12.0 million gallons per day (mgd) with conventional water treatment process including 5-sedimentation basins, 4-multimedia gravity filters,...
Project Status: Current Projects