Utility / Customer Service Billing FAQs

Customer Service Hours: 9am – 5pm (Monday through Friday)


What if I don't have my bill?

Call customer service at 828-697-3052 to find out your billing total and they will be glad to provide you with the information needed to process the payment yourself.

How can I manage my account on-line?

Customers can utilize the online payment portal to make one-time payments against any bill(s) listed to their account. To utilize the portal, please have available your account number and customer identification number.

How will my payment be confirmed?

If paying on-line you will receive an email confirmation number and if paying by phone you will be given a confirmation number.

When will my payment post to my account?

Payments made via credit card or electronic check will be posted to your account on the next business day.

Can I make an on-line payment if my water has been disconnected or is subject to be disconnected?

Call customer service at 828-697-3052 to find out the amount you need to pay to restore or maintain your service. Additional late or disconnection charges may have been added to your account.

Where/how do I pay my water/sewer/garbage bill?

In person or by mail: City Hall, 160 Sixth Ave. E., Hendersonville. Free parking for those conducting business in City Hall is available on the corner of King Street and Sixth Avenue in the City Hall lot. Pay inside at the payment windows (cash or check only) on the ground floor or use the drop box in parking lot.

By phone: Call 828-697-3052 and select Option 1 for electronic check and debit or credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.

Online payments: Visit the portal to make an online payment

Why must I prove who I am if I am just paying a bill?

In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, the Identity Protection Act of 2005, North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S.) 75-60 of the Identity Theft Protection Act, N.C.G.S. 14-113.20 Identity Theft, and N.C.G.S. 132-1.10 of the Public Records Act (together, the "Act"), the City is required to safeguard certain information of customers. Under this "Act", customer credit information including billing information, pay arrangements, and financial transactions are listed as confidential information and due to this law we will ask you for identifying information to make sure we are not giving any of your confidential information to the wrong person. If you have your bill with you, we do not need to ask you any identifying questions. If we do not have any identifying information set up in our system, you will be asked to show identification and asked if you would like to set up a password to access your account with us.

How do I get my water service started, disconnected, or transferred?

Online: Start or transfer service and Disconnect service

Call: Contact Customer Service at (828) 697-3052 if you need assistance with the application process.

In Person: At City Hall (160 6th Avenue East, Hendersonville, NC 28792). Please proceed to the 1st Floor where Customer Service is located.

If I have a leak will I get an adjustment on my bill and if so, how much?

Customers are eligible for a leak adjustment once every 36 months. When the repair is complete, simply fill out a request online and submit for approval. Leak adjustments must be requested within 45 days after the repair has been completed. The abnormal water consumption must be one and a half times the normal average consumption of the customer. Once your consumption is back down in your normal range, your adjustment will be calculated and appear as an adjustment on the next bill. The adjustment process may take up to three months before the adjustment is processed on your account. During the leak process it is required that the average normal bill amount be paid each month. Please visit the leak adjustments page for more information. 

Is it really a crime to tamper/damage/bypass my meter?

YES. NCGS §14-151 makes it unlawful for any unauthorized person to alter, tamper with, or bypass a water meter that has been installed for the purpose of measuring and registering the amount of water consumed. The statute prohibits unauthorized persons from reconnecting water or otherwise turning back on water services when it has been lawfully disconnected or turned off by the provider of utility services. Proof of who did the actual tampering is not necessary to prosecute the property owner or water customer (tenant). A first violation is a misdemeanor; however a second or subsequent violation is a Class H felony.  Alternately, should the City elect to pursue a violator civilly, the violator can be ordered to pay triple the amount of losses or damages sustained by the City, or $5,000, whichever is greater. 

Where do I call if I have questions about my City tax bill?

Beginning on July 1, 2019, Henderson County began billing and collecting property taxes for the City of Hendersonville. Tax bills now include both Henderson County taxes and the City of Hendersonville tax on one combined bill.

If you have questions concerning your 2019 through current tax bill contact Henderson County Tax Office at 828-697-5595.

For prior to 2019 City of Hendersonville tax bill questions, please contact Customer Service- at 828-697-3052.

Where do I call if I have questions about my water/sewer/garbage bill?

Call Customer Service at Customer Service at 828-697-3052.

 What is a Stormwater Fee?

Stormwater fees are service charges that provide various environmental and property services that are required by federal regulations. The stormwater fee used to be called an "ESF Base Charge", which you might have seen on your bill. View the current stormwater fees

Learn more about stormwater service charges.