Water Leaks
All water leaks are a priority, however our crews maintain more than 680 miles water pipe so the timing of maintenance is based largely on workload. Leaks posing a potential threat to health and safety are classified as emergencies and always receive immediate attention. Other leaks are repaired based on severity: the amount of water loss and the potential for property damage. Depending on our workload, response times can sometimes be a little longer for the smallest leaks. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to provide the highest level of utility service to our customers.
If you are experiencing a water leak inside a building or between the water meter and a building, please consult with a plumber. You may also have a water leak on private plumbing if your water bill is unusually high.
Minor Leak
- are not a hazard to anyone
- are not damaging property
- are leaking slowly
- the leak is small
- the leak is not causing any loss of water pressure to surrounding customers

Medium Priority Leak
- are a steady flow that causes attention, but is not causing any property damage
- the leak is minor but could results in property damage if left unattended
- surrounding customers have low water pressure
- some priority leaks may take longer due to the number of emergencies and other priority leaks that need to be repaired first

Emergency Leak
- when neighborhoods or businesses do not have water
- property damage is occurring
- it’s a hazard to the public
- could cause major ice spots in the winter
- a customer has no water pressure or flow