
Goal Overview
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the City's fleet while prioritizing consistency and efficiency of service; Promote access to small businesses and sense-of-community while improving citizen health and equitable community connectivity through increased walkability and bikeability; See below for actions taken to reach our goal:
Resolution R-22-30; Duke Energy EV Charging Station
Bikeability & Walkability
Increased bikeability and walkability for residents that is safe and reliable is an important step in reducing the amount of carbon emissions released from the transportation sector. Adopted by City Council in 2018, Hendersonville's Bicycle Plan outlines a roadmap for increased bicycling infrastructure that can benefit our community’s mobility, safety, health, economy, environment, and livability. Additional projects are underworks and includes the Walk Hendo - Pedestrian Plan, and the Greenway Expansion Project that could connect the Ecusta Trail to the Oklawaha Greenway and 7th Avenue.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
The City of Hendersonville is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing residents and visitors with multiple electric vehicle parking options. Over 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are produced by the transportation sector according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Electric vehicles serve as a clean alternative to conventional fossil-fuel powered vehicles.
Charging stations are available to the public at the following locations:
- Parking Deck - Located at the corner of 5th Avenue and Church Street on the first level - 4 spaces available
- Azalea Lot – Located at 301 North King Street Hendersonville, NC 28792 – 1 space available
- Dogwood Lot – Located at 201-299 4th Ave W Hendersonville, NC 28792– 1 space available
- Patton Park Duke Energy – Located at 114 E. Clairmont Drive, Hendersonville, NC 28792 – 2 spaces available
Unless otherwise noted, the charging stations listed above are "Level 2" charging stations capable of fully energizing an electric car in about 3 to 6 hours, depending on the vehicle. To learn more about electric vehicles, myths and more, please visit the Environmental Protection Agency's EV Myths page.
Low Emission Municipal Vehicles
Our Public Works Departments utilizes 11 propane powered lawnmowers for property maintenance. Propane mowers are not only more cost-effective to operate but they also burn cleaner than traditional gasoline lowering the amount of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and other emissions released into our atmosphere.