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Strategic Plan
The Hendersonville City Council updates their strategic goals and plan annually through a process that includes their planning retreat and budget adoption process.
View the Council's FY25 Strategic Plan
The Council's updated list of goals for FY25 are:
1) Public Safety
2) Compensation, Benefits, and Staff Development
3) Strong Infrastructure
4) Strategic Housing Plan
5) Growth Management and Community Character
6) Invest in Parks
7) Enhance Sustainability Citywide
8) Transportation Planning
9) City Boards and Volunteers
10) Support Downtown Businesses
City Council Focus Areas
The City maintains six focus areas drafted and approved by the City Council in 2014.
Economic Vitality. Hendersonville is a welcoming place for all businesses and promotes growth-encouraging policies.
Strong Partnerships. Hendersonville develops strong partnerships with residents, government agencies, non-profits, and visitors to ensure effective two-way communication.
Sound Infrastructure. Hendersonville constructs and maintains efficient and accessible roads, sidewalks, and greenway trails – extending connectivity. Hendersonville provides high quality water and wastewater services and protects natural resources – ensuring capacity for sustainable growth.
Numerous Amenities. Hendersonville advances the beauty, diversity, and well-being of western North Carolina by supporting the community’s ability to provide educational, recreational, and cultural activities, events, and programs for all residents and visitors.
Great Public Services. Hendersonville provides high quality customer service – enhancing the health, safety, and quality of life for citizens and visitors.
Financial Sustainability. Hendersonville supports fiscal policies and controls that ensure the long-term financial health and responsiveness of the City to unforeseen challenges and opportunities. Hendersonville promotes the responsible management of public resources to ensure efficient and effective delivery of quality services.
2020-2023 Accomplishment Highlights
At the City Council's Retreat on March 9, 2023, the discussion started by highlighting the achievements and successes of the City of Hendersonville while maintaining top-notch customer satisfaction levels. This year's theme was "Building a Strong Foundation for a Growing Future." The infographic by Fountainworks, Inc. below captures many of these accomplishments:
To learn more about this year's City Council Retreat, you can watch this short Interactive Workshop Recap Video
2017-2020 Accomplishment Highlights
The City Council's Retreat on February 25, 2021, began with a review of some of the accomplishments and successes that the City of Hendersonville has achieved while maintaining high levels of customer service. The infographic by Fountainworks, Inc. below captures many of these accomplishments: