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Safety Information
Fire Prevention & Education
The Hendersonville Fire Department offers various fire prevention and education programs that target all age groups.
There is no charge associated with our public education and prevention programs.
Fire & Life Safety Checklist for Reopening a Building
Smoke Alarm Information
- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area and on every level of your home.
- Test your smoke alarms every month.
- When a smoke alarm sounds, get outside and stay outside.
- Replace all smoke alarms in your home every 10 years.
If you need a smoke alarm installed in your house please call the Hendersonville Fire Department at 828-697-3024 to schedule an appointment.
Safety Seat Information
- Seventy-three percent of car seats are not used or installed correctly, so before you hit the road, check your car seat. If you are having even the slightest trouble, questions or concerns, certified child passenger safety seat technicians are on duty at the Hendersonville Fire Department to help or even double check your work for you. Car seat check station is open at the Hendersonville Fire Department Monday - Saturday 10am -7pm.
- We know when adults wear seat belts, kids wear seat belts. So be a good example and buckle up for every ride. Be sure everyone in the vehicles buckles up, too.
- Never leave your child alone in a car, not even for a minute. While it may be tempting to dash out for a quick errand, the temperature inside your car can rise 20 degrees and cause heatstroke in the time it takes you to run in an out of the store.
- For more car seat tips please visit
Fire Prevention Program
If you need to schedule a Fire Prevention Program for your school or event please contact the Hendersonville Fire Department. Please include exact information about the event.
Knox Box Information
The Hendersonville Fire Department utilizes the Knox-Box program that allows responders to gain rapid access into secure perimeters, gates, buildings, campuses, residential and commercial properties. The links below have more information on the program. If you have any questions please call (828)-697-3024. commercial properties single family residents
Kid Zone - Interactive websites for kids