Waste Management

Goal Overview:
Reduce the amount of Municipal Solid Waste sent to the landfill through recycling, composting, and other waste reduction efforts. See below for actions taken to reach our goal:
Resolution R-21-75; Plastic Reduction Program
Waste Reduction
In 2025, our Water & Sewer Department will begin construction installing a Biosolids Thermal Drying System at the City’s Waste Water Treatment Facility. Currently, the City pays to take this waste to a landfill. The new thermal drying system will reduce the amount of biosolid weight by about 67%, reducing the amount needed to be taken to a landfill. The second part of this project is to generate a much more sustainable final product that no longer needs to go to a landfill but can instead be used as a soil amendment in both residential and commercial applications.
The City of Hendersonville offers a free curbside recycling program to customers. Henderson County accepts plastic containers, metal cans, glass bottles and jars and paper, cartons, and cardboard at the Convenience Center. This allows our customers to recycle these materials curbside. For more information on what recyclables are accepted, please see our Environmental Services Resource Guide.
Nearly 40% of all food is waisted each year and taken to a landfill. Composting provides a dual benefit in reducing our reliance on landfills while providing a nutrient rich soil amendment. See below for our current composting initiatives:
Free mulch and leaf compost are available to non-commercial residents on a seasonal basis in the spring each year. The leaves are collected throughout the year, get runned through a grinder and decompose for a year. These materials are excellent additions to landscapes and take a material that would have otherwise been discarded and provide a beneficial use.
Free Compost drop-off is available at the Henderson County Transfer Station for residents. The City of Hendersonville is also in the process of considering food composting services for our residents. Currently, our Rhythm and Brews and Apple Festival events offer composting services.