Sanitary Sewer Overflows

The Hendersonville City Council unanimously adopted a Resolution to Reduce Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) at its April 2020 meeting. SSOs are the release of untreated or partially treated wastewater from a sewer system, which contribute to the pollution of streams and rivers. SSOs occur from time to time in all sewer collection systems. However, frequent and repetitive SSOs have occurred in portions of the City’s sewer system. SSOs can have many different causes including: pipe blockages, pipe breaks, inadequate treatment and/or pipe capacity, power failures, excessive infiltration and inflow, and severe natural conditions.

The resolution illustrates the City’s strong commitment to reducing SSOs from its sanitary sewer system and outlines a plan of action to achieve this goal. The action plan, comprised of six items/projects planned over the next two years, is summarized below:


Items that should not be flushed

What YOU Can Do!

There are things you can do as a sewer customer to help reduce SSOs!

  • Cease the grease. Do not pour fat, oils, or grease (also referred to as FOG) down the drain. These compounds can clog sewer pipes, cause SSOs, and can even clog your private sewer service line causing back-ups into your home or business.
  • Do not flush “flushable wipes” or “baby wipes”. These items can cause blockages in pipes and clog sewer pumps causing SSOs. Only flush the 3-Ps – poo, pee and paper (toilet paper). Refer to The Importance of Protecting Our Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure for more information.
  • Report issues (828-697-3073) of stormwater entering sewer or storm drains connected to sewer to the City. Excessive stormwater entering sewer pipes takes up capacity needed to convey and treat sewer and can cause SSOs.

3 Ps flyer