Tree Board

Hendersonville Tree Board Logo

It is the responsibility of the Tree Board to study, investigate, counsel, develop and/or update annually and administer a written plan for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees and shrubs in parks, along streets and in other public areas. The plan is presented annually to the City Council and upon its acceptance and approval constitutes the official comprehensive city tree plan. The Tree Board approves voluntary planting plans by the private citizens or groups on city property or on rights-of-way.

Membership & Terms

The tree board is composed of seven (7) members, at least four (4) of whom must be residents of the territory subject to the zoning jurisdiction of the city or own property in the city. Membership is appointed by the City Council. The director of public works serves as an ex officio member but does not have voting rights. Members serve three years terms and serve without compensation.

The Tree Board selects its own officers, makes its own rules of procedure, and keeps a journal of its proceedings. A majority of the members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.


Regular meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 2:30 p.m. in the Second Floor Conference in the Operations Center at 305 Williams Street, Hendersonville, NC.  

Recognition of individuals, etc., exceeding requirements

The Tree Board publicly recognizes individuals, businesses or organizations which exceed landscaping requirements as outlined in the Zoning Ordinance.

Public education and investigative responsibility.

The Tree Board educates the public as to the economic and aesthetic benefits of trees and shrubs to Hendersonville and its citizens, both on publicly and privately owned property. The Tree Board considers, investigates, makes findings, reports and recommends upon any special matter of question coming within the scope of its work. The Board may seek advice from qualified landscape architects, arborists, foresters, horticulturists or knowledgeable individuals.

Responsibility to designate Heritage Trees:

The Tree Board is responsible for designating heritage trees.

Authority to accept and recommend expenditure of funds

The Tree Board has the authority to accept on behalf of the City grants, funds, loans or contributions from the United States, the State of North Carolina, the City of Hendersonville or the County of Henderson, any private or public corporation, any individual or any agency, instrumentality or agency of the above, and to recommend the expenditure of any proceeds toward the accomplishment of the Board's purposes.

Responsibility for the Approved Landscape Species List for Street Tree and Land Development Projects

The Tree Board is responsible for an official Approved Landscape Species List, comprised of three groups of trees - small trees, medium trees, and large trees. No trees other than those included in the list may be planted as street trees without the permission of the Tree Board. The list also includes information about appropriate trees for planting under or near utility lines, information about native species, and information about pollinator friendly species (trees, shrubs, and plants).

Interference with City Tree Board

It is unlawful for any person to prevent, delay or interfere with the City Tree Board, or any of its agents, while engaging in or about the planting, cultivating, mulching, pruning, spraying or removing of any street trees, park trees or trees on private grounds.





Agendas & Minutes 


Mark Stierwalt

Public Works Superintendent Building, Property and Cemetery Division
(828) 697-3084


Lyndsey Simpson - City Council Liaison
Vacant, City Resident, - Dec. 2027
Vacant, City Resident - Dec - 2027
Glenn Lange, City Resident - Dec. 2026
Natalie Wilcoxson, Chair - ETJ - Dec. 2025
Ed Skvarch - At-Large - Dec. 2027
Rebecca Doll, At-Large - Dec. 2025
Richard Bowerman - At-Large - Dec. 2027

Resources & Documents 

Tree Board Bylaws

City Calendar

Meeting Notices

Approved Landscape Plant List for Developers, Gardeners, and Homeowners

Annual Reports and Tree Board Activities

NC State University pollinator insect resources