Water and Sewer Advisory Council

A Water and Sewer Advisory Council is a requirement of the 2002 Mud Creek Sewer District Purchase and Interlocal Cooperation and Settlement Agreement with Henderson County. Because the previous Council had not met since 2004, the Water and Sewer Advisory Council was reformed in 2017 by the City of Hendersonville City Council to seek the advice and recommendations and to involve the business community in decisions that affect them to help prevent unintended consequences from decisions made by the Council. The City of Hendersonville retains authority over how the system grows but seeks input from other entities. 

The membership consists of 11 members of the following:

One (1) sitting member of the Hendersonville City Council or alternate

One (1) City of Hendersonville utility customer appointed by the Hendersonville City Council.

One (1) sitting member of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners or alternate

One (1) Henderson County utility customer appointed by Henderson County Board of Commissioners Persons seeking to apply for this seat must fill out a County Boards/Commissions/Committees application. 

One (1) governing board member from Fletcher, Mills River, Laurel Park, Flat Rock and Saluda or their alternate

One (1) industry representative appointed by Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development.

One (1) business representative appointed by Henderson County Chamber of Commerce


Meetings are held quarterly on the fourth Monday of January, April, July and October beginning at  4:00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room inside City Hall located at 160 6th Ave. E., Hendersonville NC or as otherwise noticed. 








Jill Murray, City Clerk 
160 Sixth Avenue E
Hendersonville, NC 28792
email or (828) 697-3005

Dr. Jennifer Hensley - City Council Member
Jay Egolf - Henderson County Commissioner|
Amber McKinney - Town of Fletcher
Cara Reeves - Town of Laurel Park
Sandra Goode - Town of Mills River
Cheryl Stuller - Village of Flat Rock 
Kevin Burnett - City of Saluda
Jay Frazier - Chamber of Commerce
Kevin Bingham - Partnership for Econ. Dev.
Chuck McGrady - City Utility Customer
Andrew Riddle - County Utility Customer

Resources & Documents

Charter & Rules of Procedure -Amended 8-5-2021

City Calendar

Meeting Notices