
Parks & Greenspace Plan parks logo

The City of Hendersonville is developing a citywide parks and greenspace plan that will offer a vision and roadmap for a park and greenspace system that serves all people in Hendersonville, with a focus on equity and resilience. 

What is most important to...

Project Status: Current Projects
Police Station police station drawing

The Hendersonville Police Station was constructed on Ashe Street between Pace and Jonas streets in the Seventh Avenue district. The two-story, 26,000 square foot building will be paid for with a USDA Rural Development loan. This is the first time the Hendersonville Police Department has had...

Project Status: Completed Projects
South Main Street Bike and Pedestrian Improvements Pavement striping plan for south main street

City of Hendersonville staff worked with Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. (TPD) to complete a bicycle and pedestrian improvement project along S. Main Street. The project will be completed in conjunction with paving improvements to provide a safer experience for Ecusta Trail users to access...

Project Status: Current Projects
Strategic Housing Plan H logo with a roof on top

Strategic Housing Plan Steering Committee

Affordable housing and the development of a strategic housing plan is a priority for the Hendersonville City Council. City Council appointed a Strategic Housing Plan Steering Committee to guide the plan development process.

Regular Meetings...

Project Status: Current Projects
Walk Hendo graphic of H with mountains behind it Project Status: Completed Projects
Wash Creek Subwatershed Stormwater Masterplan Wash Creek Subwatershed Map

The City of Hendersonville engaged WithersRavenel in 2018 to complete a pilot stormwater master plan for the Wash Creek subwatershed. The Wash Creek subwatershed is approximately 1378 acres and encompasses the area west of downtown to Laurel Park and south of 6th Ave....

Project Status: Completed Projects
WWTF Ultraviolet Disinfection Improvements UV Improvements

The Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Improvements project consists of the replacement of aging UV disinfection equipment nearing the end of its useful life at the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). UV disinfection is the final stage of the treatment process where wastewater is disinfected...

Project Status: Current Projects
