Advisory Boards, Commissions and Committees

Advisory Boards, Commissions and Committees of the City of Hendersonville serve under the auspices of the City Charter or by City Ordinance. The City Council creates advisory boards, commissions, committees, task forces, etc. to carry out a variety of functions on behalf of the community. Some boards, e.g., Board of Adjustment, Planning Board, Historic Preservation, are created by authority of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS). These boards are authorized by North Carolina General Statutes to exercise any one or more of the following functions: legislative, policy-making, quasi-judicial, administrative, or advisory.

Because these boards are created by, or under the authority of the governing board, City Council, they are considered a separate public body. A public body is subject to the open meetings law and are permitted to hold closed sessions to exclude the public only for specific purposes. All boards must keep minutes of all official meetings (NCGS §143-318.10(e). Special, emergency and recessed meetings are permitted and may require specific notice.

All members, with the exception of the ABC Board, serve without compensation. Meetings are held in the 2nd Floor Meeting Room inside City Hall located at 160 6th Ave., E., Hendersonville, NC unless otherwise noted. All meetings are open to the public except as allowed under G.S. 143-318.11(a). 

Serving on one of the City's Advisory Boards, Commissions, Committees

The City of Hendersonville appreciates your interest in serving on our boards. The Council realizes future leadership of the City often comes from members serving on these Boards and places a high value on these volunteers. In the event there is not a vacancy at the time you apply, the City Clerk will retain your application on file for two years to present to the City Council when an opening arises. If you have not been appointed within two years, you may reapply.

For certain positions, the City Council may wish to interview applicants to get to know them and their interests so the applicant may be matched to a board, commission or committee for which they are well suited. The City Clerk will notify you if this is necessary.

Code of Ethics & Handbook 

To further City Council’s priority of open and transparent communication with the community and excellent service delivery they have adopted a handbook for advisory board, commission and committee members which includes a code of ethics and attendance policy resolution. The purpose of the handbook and resolution is for it to be utilized as a guide to answer questions about what is required and expected of any City of Hendersonville advisory board member or staff person by City Council.

You may view the Handbook and Code of Ethics Resolution here. 


Calendar of City Meetings & Events

April 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Code of Ethics


Advisory Board Training Video


Jill Murray, City Clerk 
160 Sixth Avenue E
Hendersonville, NC 28792
email or (828) 697-3005



Public Records & Open Meetings

NC G.S. § 132-1 and NC G.S. § 132-3(a) defines public records and the requirements for records retention. Boards, commissions, committees, and other bodies that are part of North Carolina state and local government must hold their meetings in compliance with the N.C. Open Meetings Law, which is codified as Article 33C of General Statutes Chapter 143, beginning at G.S. 143-318.9. Public bodies that administer the legislative, policy-making, quasi-judicial, administrative, and advisory functions of North Carolina and its political subdivisions exist solely to conduct the people’s business, it is the public policy of North Carolina that the hearings, deliberations, and actions of these bodies be conducted openly.

How Do I know if There is a Vacancy?

Vacancies will be advertised on the City's website and social media pages. The majority of appointments occur twice per year in June and December but can occur any time there is a vacancy.  

What Happens After I've Been Nominated? 

When nominations are called for at the regular City Council meeting, a council member will present your name to the City Council for voting. The City Council will vote on the nomination and the results will be made public. If the candidate receives a majority vote from the City Council, the candidate is approved to serve on that board or commission. 

How Long Can I serve on a Board/Commission? 

Where not specified by law, charter, or other City policy, members either serve two-year or three-year terms depending on the board or commission charter.  Citizens may serve on no more than two boards or commissions at one time.

We hope you will contribute to the dialogue in our City by volunteering to serve on one of our many boards and commissions. 

What time commitment is expected of a board member? 

Time commitment varies depending on the board or commission. Most boards and commissions meet monthly, while others may meet quarterly. Additionally, board members must be able to dedicate time outside of meetings community events or to do reading, research, etc. Attendance is expected at all meetings to conduct the boards business. 

Do board and commission members get paid for their duties? 

With the exception of the ABC Board, all City of Hendersonville boards and commissions are volunteer positions and members do not receive compensation for their duties.