Non-Residential Service Connections
Non-Residential Connections
The City of Hendersonville installs or permits private utility contractors to install new water and sewer non-residential tap connections, or increase the size of existing connection(s), to accessible water and sewer mains at the request of customers. Non-residential connections consist of the following uses:
- Multi-family residential
- Commercial
- Institutional
- Industrial
Non-Residential Tap Application for Letter of Commitment
Non-residential connection(s) meeting the criteria listed below require formal water and/or sewer availability and connection/utility plan approvals before a tap application can be submitted. Proposed non-residential connections that do not meet the criteria below may submit a non-residential tap application without formal water and/or sewer availability and connection/utility plan approvals.
- Connections with water meters sized 1.5-inch and larger
- Any connection with a fire line connection
- Any connection to a private system
In order for a non-residential connection to be approved, either of the following must be satisfied. If neither of the following criteria is satisfied, an extension of water and/or sewer is required for service.
- Property frontage to an existing public water and/or gravity sewer main
- Property within 300 feet of an existing public water and/or gravity sewer main and crossing only one other private property with acquisition of a private-party utility easement agreement
Non-Residential Tap Process
- Applicant submits Availability Confirmation Request and receives an availability confirmation letter.
- Utility Connection Plan is submitted and Connection Plan Approval is issued.
- Applicant completes online non-residential tap application for Letter of Commitment (requires approved Utility Connection Plan). For new construction, application occurs simultaneously with building permit application.
- Applicant completes backflow prevention and other applicable non-residential usage requirement application(s)
- Applicant is assessed and pays a System Development Fee (SDF).
- City issues Letter of Commitment.
- Applicant completes new service application for account setup
- City issues bill to applicant for fees and charges associated with the tap/meter.
- Applicant pays applicable tap/meter fees and charges in full
- Applicant causes necessary work to be scheduled and constructed by properly licensed contractor
- All work associated with tapping and line construction must be inspected by the Construction and Inspection Division
- Backflow prevention and other applicable non-residential usage requirements inspection
- Meters are installed
Tap and Connection Fees
- Tap and connection fees are based on the Fee Schedule in effect at the time of service application.
Backflow Prevention
- All non-residential and irrigation connections are required to install an approved backflow prevention assembly. The water meter will not be installed until the approved backflow prevention assembly is physically installed on-site. After installation, all backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested annually.
Food Service Establishments
- All non-residential connections containing food service facilities shall complete a food service establishment survey and must comply with the City’s sewer use ordinance and chapter 52 of the City Ordinances.
Industrial Waste
- All non-residential connections discharging industrial waste shall complete an industrial waste survey and must comply with the City’s sewer use ordinance and chapter 52 of the City Ordinances.