
Public records requests are governed by the rules in Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes. All public records requests must pertain to records prepared, collected and/or maintained by the Hendersonville Police Department – not by other county agencies or departments.
After your request has been submitted, you may be contacted by a representative from the Hendersonville Police Department if clarifying information is needed. The representative will contact you once the records request process has been completed.
To request a copy of a police report or accident report:
- Call 828-697-3036 to request an emailed copy.
- In person, at the records window, located at 630 Ashe Street -- Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
- Send an e-mail request to with the case number or date, time, and location of the accident or incident report.
- Accident Reports may also be obtained online at LexisNexis. Visit LexisNexis for accident reports.
**** IMPORTANT ****
NC General Statute regarding Records can be found by visiting the websites below:
- Records compiled by public law enforcement agencies: NC GS 132-1.4
- Please also note that Law Enforcement Recordings are governed separately by NCGS 132-1.4A, and are subject to release to the public only by court order, as provided for in Subsections (f) and (g).