Clear Creek Interceptor Replacement
Milestone timeline:

The Clear Creek Interceptor Replacement consists of the replacement of approximately 3,3000 linear feet of undersized 18-inch diameter gravity sewer pipe along Clear Creek with 30-inch diameter sewer pipe. The purpose of the project is to provide additional capacity alleviating sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and serving future growth upstream in the Edneyville area. This project was identified in the City's sanitary sewer collection system master plan.
Construction contract award the Don Moorhead Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
DELAYED DUE TO WEATHER (Tentatively rescheduled for October 18) - Clear Creek Road between Carolina Village Road and Balfour Road is scheduled to be closed for a sewer line installation starting Monday, October 11, 2021. The closure is expected to begin the morning of October 11 and last for approximately one week.
Due to the large amount of rain and work site conditions, the sewer line installation on Clear Creek Road has been delayed.
The road closure, originally scheduled to begin October 11, has been pushed back by at least one week. The new date for the closure has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, October 18, 2021, but is subject to change dependent on weather conditions. The closure is planned for Clear Creek Road between Carolina Village Road and Balfour Road and is expected to last for approximately one week.
Update: The work on Clear Creek Road is expected to be completed and road reopened on Thursday, October 28th.
Gravity sewer is completed and certified from the connections at Mud Creek up to I-26. This section of sewer line now serves the new Towns and Stonecrest and Cantrell Hills subdivisions as well as moving an existing connection from Carolina Village to the new line.