American Rescue Plan
The City of Hendersonville has been awarded $4.5 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
City Council’s vision is to use ARP dollars to fund transformative projects that address difficult community needs. Before selecting specific projects to fund, City Council asked for feedback from the community to help determine priorities.
The purpose of this survey was to gather input from City of Hendersonville residents to help determine spending priorities for American Rescue Plan Act funds.
Feedback helped identify community priorities and assisted City Council in the allocation process. The survey was available (in English and Spanish) from January 11 to February 11.
What is the Vision of City Council for this funding?
City Council’s vision is to use ARP dollars to fund eligible transformative projects that address difficult community needs. Before selecting specific projects to fund, City Council wants to hear from the community to help determine priorities.
What can ARP funds be used for?
What has the U.S. Treasury recommended as possible projects to fund?
- Provide assistance to those households, businesses, and non-profit communities most disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
- Consider funding uses that foster strong, inclusive, and equitable recovery, especially uses with long-term benefits for health and economic outcomes.
- To prioritize providing retrospective premium pay where possible, recognizing that many essential workers have not yet received additional compensation for work conducted over the course of many months.
- Consider projects to replace lead service lines.
- Consider green infrastructure investments and projects to improve resilience to the effects of climate change.
- Engage their constituents and communities in developing plans to use these payments, given the scale of the funding and its potential to catalyze broader economic recovery and rebuilding.
What are examples of possible projects?
Contain COVID 19 and Address Public Health Needs
- Healthcare resources
- Public assistance programs
- Building healthier environments
- Funding evidenced-based community violence intervention programs
- Increase access to behavioral health care services (Mental health treatment and Substance misuse treatment )
Invest In Water and Sewer Infrastructure
- Improvements to Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities
- Expansion of wastewater collection systems to address failing septic tanks
- Replace of water distribution systems to eliminate lead service lines
- Consolidation of small utility systems
- Stormwater collection system repairs and replacement
Address Negative Economic Impact
- Programs or services that address housing insecurity and homelessness
- Food Assistance
- Emergency Assistance (Burials, Home Repair, Weatherization)
- Rent, Mortgage or Utility Assistance
- Job Training
What is the timeline for allocating and spending the funds?
City Council received public input during January and February 2022 to assist in determining how to spend the funds.
All funding must be appropriated by December 2024 and spent by December 2026.