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Mayor & City Council
Vision Statement
Hendersonville is a vibrant mountain city where the government and citizens work together for a high quality of life.
Mission Statement
City Attorney Angela Beeker, Council Member Melinda Lowrance, Council Member Lyndsey Simpson, Mayor Barbara Volk, Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Hensley,
Council Member Gina Baxter, City Manager John Connet
Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore
The mayor serves as the official head of the city government and presides at all meetings of the City Council. The mayor has the power to vote on all questions coming before the Council, but has no power to veto. The mayor exercises such powers and performs such duties as are or may be conferred upon him or her by the general laws of North Carolina, by the Charter of the City of Hendersonville, and by the ordinances of the City. The City of Hendersonville Mayor is Barbara G. Volk. She was elected as Mayor in November 2009 and was re-elected in 2021. She has served on the City Council since November 1989.
The City Council chooses one of its members to act as mayor pro tempore, and (s)he performs the duties of the mayor in the mayor's absence or disability. The mayor pro tempore has no fixed term of office, but serves at the pleasure of the remaining members of the Council. The Mayor Pro Tempore does not have a fixed term of office, but serves in the capacity at the pleasure of the City Council. The Mayor Pro Tem is Lyndsey Simpson.
Terms Qualifications Vacancies
The mayor and members of the City Council serve four-year staggered terms. Staggered terms of Council members began with the 1997 election. Elections are held every two years. The NC General Assembly changed the election schedule in 2023 and Hendersonville City Council elections are held in even years starting in 2024.
No person is eligible to be a candidate or be elected as a member of the City Council, or to serve in such capacity, unless (s)he is a resident and a qualified voter of the city.
In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, the remaining members of the Council, by majority vote, choose from their own members their successor for the unexpired term. Any vacancy in the office of councilman is filled by majority vote of the mayor and the remaining members of the Council until the next election.
The organizational meeting of the City Council is usually held at the first regular meeting following each general election. Before entering their offices, the mayor and each council member take an oath of office as required by Article VI, Section 7, of the Constitution of North Carolina. The Mayor and City Council also adhere to a Code of Ethics which was adopted pursuant to Session Law 2009-403.
The mayor and council members receive compensation but no increase or reduction in salary may be made to take effect during the term in which it is voted.
Meetings of the City Council
Policy formation and legislative authority are vested in the City Council through ordinances and resolutions. The adoption, amendment, repeal, pleading or proving of ordinances is done in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Charter and not inconsistent with general laws of North Carolina.
- Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Thursday of each month at 5:45 p.m. in the City Operations Center Assembly Room located at 305 Williams St.
- Second monthly meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the same location.
- Special and emergency meetings may be held upon notice given in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes. All meetings of the Council are open to the public.
- City Council meetings are livestreamed on the City's YouTube page.
Closed sessions are permitted by law for specific purposes.
Quorum Votes
A majority of the members elected to the City Council constitutes a quorum for the conduct of business.
Three affirmative votes, which may include the vote of the mayor, is necessary to adopt any ordinance, or any resolution or motion having the effect of an ordinance. All other matters to be voted upon is decided by a majority vote of those present and voting.
Public Comment
The City of Hendersonville City Council offers multiple options for the public to view and participate in public meetings and remain engaged with their local government. Please visit our Public Comment page for details and instructions.