French Broad River Intake & Pumping Station

Milestone timeline:

  1. Fall 2017
    Completed: Jan 1, 2018
  2. Summer 2021
    Completed: Aug 1, 2021
  3. Fall 2021
    Completed: Oct 14, 2021
  4. January 2022
    Completed: Jul 21, 2021

The proposed French Broad River intake and pumping station is an additional, redundant source of water to enhance the resiliency of the water utility and lay the foundation for the future. The intake and pumping station is also designed for future expansion to serve future water demands within the City's water service area. The new water source associated with this project will be utilized as needed for maintenance as well as interchangeably with existing raw water sources during normal operations. The City will have the flexibility to operate one or all of its raw water sources simultaneously as required to adjust to changing conditions and treatment needs.

The proposed raw water intake structure will be located on the northwest bank of the French Broad River, approximately 1,000 LF downstream of the Mills River confluence. The intake structure will consist of a concrete bankside channel intakes. The raw water will be transmitted from the intake structure to the pumping station via a 54-inch diameter buried raw water gravity transmission pipe. The pumping station will include a structure to house the pumps, motors, standby generator, and all other associated equipment. The pumping station will transfer non-potable water to the treatment facility via a 30-inch water pipeline. 

The City is financing the project through Drinking Water State Revolving Fund low-interest loan administered through the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.

Brent Detwiler PE, City Engineer

Adam Steurer PE, Utilities Director

French Broad River Pumping Station
French Broad River Intake
Project Updates: 
Contractor Prequalification
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Contractor prequalification process begins

Bid Opening
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Formal bids opened at the City Operations Center: 305 Williams Street, Hendersonville, NC 28792

Bid Tabulation