
Public records requests are governed by the rules in Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes. All public records requests must pertain to records prepared, collected and/or maintained by the Hendersonville Police Department – not by other county agencies or departments.

After your request has been submitted, you may be contacted by a representative from the Hendersonville Police Department if clarifying information is needed. The representative will contact you once the records request process has been completed.

To request a copy of a police report or accident report:

  1. Call 828-697-3036 to request an emailed copy.
  2. In person, at the records window, located at 630 Ashe Street -- Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  3. Send an e-mail request to with the case number or date, time, and location of the accident or incident report.
  4. Accident Reports may also be obtained online at LexisNexis. Visit LexisNexis for accident reports.

**** IMPORTANT ****

NC General Statute regarding Records can be found by visiting the websites below:

  • Records compiled by public law enforcement agencies: NC GS 132-1.4
  • Please also note that Law Enforcement Recordings are governed separately by NCGS 132-1.4A, and are subject to release to the public only by court order, as provided for in Subsections (f) and (g).