Employee Procurement Training




We have developed a comprehensive training program for our employees which encompasses the following. This helps ensure compliance to local, state, and federal regulations. The goal has been to help make applicable personnel from departments all across the City local experts in procurement topics.

  • Procurement Video Training Database
    • 30+ videos on City Procurement Training Topics for ease of access to topics in question.
    • 24/7 employee accessibility.
    • Intro video for this database is above.
  • Online Employee Procurement HUB Website
    • Centralized location our documents, templates, smart-forms, training videos, updates, and much more.
  • LIVE Trainings
    • An array of live trainings ranging from single department to City-wide.
    • One of these trainings is our new Mandatory Annual Ethics Training - which dives into the world of ethical public procurement and is required for the more than 100 employees involved in procurement processes.
  • Virtual LIVE Q&A Sessions
    • Periodic Q&A sessions allowing requesters to bring all questions they have while remaining in the comfort of their own offices.
  • Quarterly eNewsletters
    • These eNewsletters have been designed to educate on procurement updates while engaging staff into the procurement processes.
  • Procurement Policy Manuals
    • New policy manuals with user friendly workflows based on dollar thresholds to make them more understandable for our requesters.
  • Innovative Online and Offline Smart Forms
    • These were developed to provide user-friendly forms where users would see only the data and questions that apply to their situation/purchase.