Gen H - Plan Development Materials

Open House Boards - February 13, 2024

City of Hendersonville staff and the Gen H consultant team with Bolton & Menk provided stations at the February 13th Open House where attendees provided feedback on the Gen H vision statement, goals, big ideas, land use, growth scenarios, activity centers and more!

View the Open House Materials (PDF)

Open House Boards - November 20, 2023

City of Hendersonville staff and the Gen H consultant team with Bolton & Menk provided stations at the November 20th Open House where attendees could review project timelines, survey summaries, engagement summaries, demographic data, existing conditions, goals & objectives and more!

View the Open House Materials (PDF)

Survey Summaries

The Gen H Survey was available to the community from August 14 - November 14:

Review the Community Survey Results


A Student Gen H Survey was provided to Henderson County Public School high school teachers for incorporation into their civics and local government lesson plans:

Review the Student Survey Results


Check out the Open House Boards to review survey summaries and canvasing survey results.


An Open House Feedback Survey was available to the community from February 19 - March 1 to accept feedback on the Open House materials.

Review the Open House Survey Results


A Comp Plan Draft Feedback Survey was available to the community from May 31 - June 17 to accept feedback on the draft plan.

Review the Draft Plan Survey Results

The Gen H consultant team provided an update to City Council and Hendersonville Planning Board members on November 20, 2023.

Watch the meeting

A Comp Plan Draft Feedback Survey was available to the community from May 31 - June 17 to accept feedback on the draft plan.

Review the Draft Plan Survey Results


Check out the Gen H Timeline - Learn about the plan adoption schedule and final public input opportunities