Service Line Inventory Update

Hendersonville Water Department Provides Update on Compliance with EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule
Hendersonville, NC (November 18, 2024) – At the November 7th City Council meeting, Utilities Compliance Coordinator Gracie Erwin provided Hendersonville City Council with an update on the utility’s compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule.
“We are committed to providing safe and high-quality drinking water and through regular testing, we ensure our water exceeds all EPA rules and regulations,” said Utilities Compliance Coordinator Gracie Erwin. “There is no lead in our water sources, or in our drinking water when it leaves the treatment facility and travels through hundreds of miles of lead-free pipes.”
Compliance Coordinator Erwin explained that the utility has been working diligently to identify service pipe materials through extensive records review and field verifications. He reported to City Council on November 7th that the utility has not discovered any lead pipes in the Hendersonville water system.
In compliance with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule, the utility is notifying any customers whose water service pipe is made from unknown material. Letters and emails are scheduled to be sent to customers who have unknown service line materials in accordance with regulations. The City of Hendersonville’s GIS Division has also developed a service line inventory map available on the City’s website.