Hendersonville Document Shred & Drug Take Back Event – May 16

The City of Hendersonville will sponsor its popular Document Shred Event for City residents on Friday, May 16, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. This year’s event will be held in Patton Park located at 114 E. Clairmont Drive in Hendersonville. The Hendersonville Police Department will also offer a Drug Take Back as part of the event for community members to safely dispose of their unwanted or expired medications.
Shred-it will have its shredding truck at the Patton Pool parking lot to allow residents to dispose of sensitive materials. City of Hendersonville residents are invited to bring up to two boxes (or up to 50 lbs.) of paper items to be shredded. Suggested items to shred are financial statements, canceled checks, credit card statements, payroll stubs, insurance forms, old tax returns, forms from doctor's offices, etc. This event is not for business shredding. The public can simply drop their documents off or stay and watch their documents be destroyed. The event will happen rain or shine. If the shredding truck fills up before 10:30, the event will be over.
During this time, the Hendersonville Police Department along with Hope Coalition will host a Drug Take Back event to allow the public to dispose of expired/unused medication, such as prescription and over-the-counter pills, vitamins, ointments, and patches. No chemotherapy drugs, needles, inhalers, or EpiPens will be accepted. The Hendersonville Police Department also provides a permanent medication disposal box located in the lobby of the Police Station at 630 Ashe Street that is available during business hours, Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The Drug Take Back portion of the event is open to everyone.
To make this part of a community outreach effort, the City is asking residents coming to the event bring non-perishable pantry items to donate to Interfaith Assistance Ministry (IAM). Suggested items are listed on IAM’s website at https://www.iam-hc.org/current-needs.