Bulk Leaf Collection for City of Hendersonville Residents begins in December on a Modified Schedule

This week the City of Hendersonville has kicked off bulk leaf collection service for City residents. Typically fall leaf collection starts in October, but due to hurricane Helene's impacts and ongoing storm debris collection, leaf collection has been delayed and will be on a modified schedule running through the winter season and concluding in early Spring. 

During bulk leaf collection, City residents should pile loose leaves at the edge of the streetalong the curb,without placing the leaveson the sidewalk or roadway. Leaves should not be bagged by City of Hendersonville residents. Residents will need to keep their leaf pile separate from their brush piles and construction and demolition (C&D) debris piles.  

The Public Works Department sincerely thanks residents for their patience as the community works through the challenges caused by hurricane Helene. With debris collection still a priority, leaf pick-up will operate on a modified schedule, and collection times will be longer than usual. Since Hurricane Helene, the City of Hendersonville has cleared over 26,000 cubic yards of vegetative debris — that's enough to fill 3,250 fully loaded City dump trucks. 

Henderson County is providing free curbside storm debris removal for all county residents, including those within city limits. Have storm debris from Hurricane Helene ready for free curbside pickup? Please fill out the following online form to assist with the collection process: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/b0c483595fc84c44927c9014f1c26b16 

Residents can help prevent safety hazards by keeping leaf piles offthe sidewalks. Obstructed sidewalks may force people to walk into the street and pose a danger for pedestrians and motorists. Keeping leaf piles out of the roadways and sidewalks also helps prevent debris from being washed into the storm drains which can cause flooding. Please keep leaf piles free of tree limbs or other objects that may damage collection equipment.  

We encourage pedestrians and motorists to remain extra vigilant due to sidewalk obstructions caused by hurricane damage as the City and County work to make repairs and collect debris. 

The public does not need to contact Public Works with leaf pick-up requests as this service is automatically provided to City residents. 

Residents can track the leaf machines by accessing the City’s Track-a-Truck dashboard at www.hendersonvillenc.gov/trackatruck 

For questions about this service, please call the Public Works Department at (828) 697-3084.