

Flood-Prone Areas

View the City of Hendersonville Flood Planning Map to see areas that are likely to flood during large rain events.
Use this tool to avoid flood-prone areas and plan detour routes when traveling in inclement weather.

flood plain map

car logos with various levels of floodingThe City of Hendersonville rests in a flood plain and large rain events greatly impact roadways throughout the City.

To increase the public's awareness of flood hazards and flooded roadways, the City has developed a notification plan for Roadway Flooding Alerts to complement National Weather Service messaging and NCDOT road closure information.

Our emergency responders and public works staff work hard to keep you safe. 

NEVER drive into flooded roadways or around barricades.

Sign up to receive AlertHVL notifications from the City of Hendersonville.

  • Choose what types of alerts your receive (public safety alerts, street closures, weather alerts, etc.)
  • Select your delivery method (email, text, phone call)
  • Enroll in Smart911 to save seconds during an emergency if you call 9-1-1

Sign Up for AlertHVL

You can also enroll for all Hendersonville alerts by texting AlertHVL to 226787


Level 1 - Flooding Possible

green image of carBe prepared

Sign up for alerts at www.hvlnc.gov/alerthvl

Monitor weather conditions

Level 2 – Flooding Likely / Minor Flooding

yellow car image with slight floodingBe aware

Low-lying streets likely or starting to flood

Turn around don’t drown

Avoid frequently flooded areas

Level 3 – Flooding Occurring / Major Flooding

orange car image with moderate floodingDo not walk, swim, or drive in floodwaters

Avoid unnecessary travel

Seek alternate routes

Move to higher ground if in flash flood areas

Level 4 – Flooding extensive / Severe Flooding

red car image with major floodingFollow Emergency Management directives

Evacuations possible