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Pay My Bill
Where/how do I pay my water/sewer/garbage bill or my City tax bill?
In person – At City Hall, parking lot on corner of King Street and Sixth Avenue. Pay inside at the payment windows on the ground floor or use the drop box in parking lot.
By mail - Water Department, 145 Fifth Avenue East, Hendersonville, NC 28792
By phone – 828/697-3052 – electronic check and debit or credit card – We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover.
Automatic Bank Draft is available for utilities – payments are drafted on the due date of the bill. Click to enroll online: fill out and submit online; download and print an enrollment form to mail or hand deliver to us; or phone 828/697-3052 to have a form mailed to you.
Online payments – Make an online payment
Why must I prove who I am if I am just paying a bill?
In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, the Identity Protection Act of 2005, North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S.) 75-60 of the Identity Theft Protection Act, N.C.G.S. 14-113.20 Identity Theft, and N.C.G.S. 132-1.10 of the Public Records Act (together, the "Act"), the City is required to safeguard certain information of customers. Under this "Act", customer credit information including billing information, pay arrangements, and financial transactions are listed as confidential information and due to this law we will ask you for identifying information to make sure we are not giving any of your confidential information to the wrong person. If you have your bill with you, we do not need to ask you any identifying questions. If we do not have any identifying information set up in our system, you will be asked to show identification and asked if you would like to set up a password to access your account with us.
How do I get my water service started, disconnected, or transferred?
Call Customer Service at 828/697-3052 but you may be required to pay a deposit if you are starting new service. If so, we take debit or credit cards by phone. Otherwise, you need to apply in person at City Hall at 145 Fifth Ave East, third floor, room 324.
If I have a leak will I get an adjustment on my bill and if so, how much?
Customers are eligible for a leak adjustment once every 12 months. You must call Customer Service at 828/697-3052, when the repair is complete, to request an adjustment. The leak must have caused a loss of at least 5,000 gallons above your average consumption. Once your consumption is back down in your normal range, your adjustment will be calculated and appear as an adjustment on the next bill. We adjust the highest consumption month by one half of the amount lost above your normal average bill plus 5,000 gallons. Any sewer adjustment would be calculated based on if the water lost went into the City sewer system.
Why do I receive a bill for my water and a separate bill for my sewer service?
In certain areas, City of Hendersonville water customers have sewer service provided by Henderson County. These are two separate government entities and payment for that sewer service must be made according to the instructions on that bill.
Where do I call if I have questions about my City tax bill?
City Tax Collector – 828/233-3203
Where do I call if I have questions about my water/sewer/garbage bill?
Customer Service – 828/697-3052