Contract Repository Overview
With contracts being at the forefront of City efforts, Procurement has prioritized a Contract Repository designed to uniformly organize and label our contracts. The repository encompasses the following while also conveying the beauty of our region. Screenshot images of the pages are below.
- Home Page
- Introduction Page
- FAQ Page
- Repository Manual
- This manual establishes formal policies on formatting for the following:
- Project Contract Numbering
- Non-Project Contract Numbering
- File-naming Structure
- File Folder Structure by Initiative Type
- This manual establishes formal policies on formatting for the following:
- Automated Filename Generator
- Users input file info, and the website automatically generates a correctly formatted filename for them to use when saving the file.
- City Contract List Page
- Loaded with information such as:
- Department Name, Vendor Name, Amount, Expiration Date, etc.
- Loaded with information such as:
- Document Library
- Current and Expired Contracts/Related Files with new File Folder Organization and Structures