
The proposed French Broad River intake and pumping station is an additional, redundant source of water to enhance the resiliency of the water utility and lay the foundation for the future. The intake and pumping station is also designed for future expansion to serve future water demands within...
Project Status: Current Projects
The City of Hendersonville is developing a 2045 Comprehensive Plan to establish a long-term vision...
Project Status: Completed Projects
The City of Hendersonville and the Town of Laurel Park approved a water system merger in the Spring of 2021 to enhance the entire utility system and metering infrastructure. Water customers on the City of Hendersonville system have...
Project Status: Completed Projects
The City of Hendersonville has been in communication with several residents in the lower Laurel Park area who have inquired about connecting their homes to the City’s sewer system. In response to these inquiries, the City plans to hold an informational...
Project Status: Current Projects

The City of Hendersonville has been in communication with several residents in the NC 191 North Residential Area who have inquired about connecting their homes to the City’s sewer system. In response to these inquiries, the City held an informational meeting to gauge the level of interest in a...
Project Status: Current Projects
The City of Hendersonville operates the North Fork Mills River Reservoir located within the Pisgah National Forest as a source of high-quality water for Hendersonville and surrounding areas. The watershed is completely forested, public lands, and has provided water for approximately 100 years....
Project Status: Completed Projects
To provide the highest level of water service to its customers, the City plans to replace water pipes in the North Greenwood Forest area neighborhood in Etowah, North Carolina. The existing water pipes in this area are aging, which has caused excessive pipe breaks, increased maintenance burdens...
Project Status: Completed Projects
In 2022, the Downtown Parking Garage at the corner of 5th Avenue and Church Street is under construction. Concurrently with the garage, a comprehensive parking management update will address demand for on-street parking and off-street, permitted parking. A 3-story (4-level) garage is underway at...
Project Status: Completed Projects
Hendersonville City Council adopted the Parks & Greenspace Master Plan on November 7, 2024.
Project Status: Completed Projects ...