Hendersonville Locals Invited to enjoy one FREE parking session with Parkmobile!
Hendersonville Locals are invited to enjoy one free Downtown Parking Session using the ParkMobile App through April 30!
How to redeem:
1. Download the ParkMobile App to your smartphone. (click here for iPhones - https://apps.apple.com/app/id365399299) (click here for Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sharewire.parkmobilev2)
2. Create your account and register your vehicle tag if you do not already have an account. Register payment information.
3. Go to settings, promotional codes, and add locals2025
The code is valid for on-street parking through April 30! One code redeemed per account; the code may be shared with other members of the home.
Visit www.hendersonvillenc.gov/parking for more information on parking in Downtown Hendersonville.